Who are our customers? Lets get to know YOU and what YOU WANT most

Sep 05, 22
Who are our customers?  Lets get to know YOU and what YOU WANT most

So, I've introduced myself, my company, my passion, my vision, my goals.  You know about our Vanillas, our Flavoring Extracts, Our other related products, our Spice Blends and our Rooibos teas.

What we would love to know, is who you are.  What is it your looking for among our ingredients.  Do you have questions?  Do you have suggestions or requests?  What could we offer to make it better for you?

In the comments, please tell us a little about yourself.  Do you love cooking, baking, grilling, or not at all?  Do you drink tea, did you know about Rooibos before this company?  What impresses you about our products?  What are you interested in trying?

If you're already a customer, perhaps you can share some about yourself, your experiences in the kitchen, and the products you've tried and what you think of them? 

We have done some test runs of our nut butters recently, locally.  This will be our seasonal special, due to no preservatives, it wouldn't travel well shipping in hot semi's for days.  What's your favorite nuts?  Have you tried those nuts in a butter yet?

What about your family, does your husband like to cook, bake, grill?  Do you have children, do they like helping in the kitchen?

Where does your imagination take you for using some of our products?

We would LOVE to try one of YOUR recipes you've used our ingredients in.  What Extract, Spice Blend, Vanilla have you used in it?  Did you feel it made any difference over what you've used in the past?

And finally, what is the ONE product you'd LOVE to try the most. 

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